Causes of Muffled Hearing and Some Treatments

Causes of Muffled Hearing and Some Treatments

Muffled hearing can present for a wide variety of reasons. For most individuals, it’s a short-term situation. In other cases, muffled hearing can be a precursor of more substantial hearing-related issues. That’s because, for the most part, hearing loss is a slowly progressing condition. Symptoms build slowly and over time. One of the earliest symptoms […]

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Best Practices for Using the Phone with Hearing Aids

Modern cell phones have become a lot clearer and more dependable nowadays. But that doesn’t mean everyone can hear you all the time. And for individuals who have hearing loss, it can be particularly difficult. Now, you may be thinking: there’s an easy fix for that, right? Can’t you make use of some hearing aids […]

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Five Tips For Hearing Aid Care

Five Tips For Hearing Aid Care

It most likely seems like a simple thing to care for your hearing aids. After all, you were most likely given a set of care guidelines when you first purchased your devices. With regard to routine hearing aid maintenance, most hearing specialists will give you a step-by-step instruction tutorial. But it’s quite likely that you […]

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As We Get Older, Does Our Hearing Loss Worsen?

As We Get Older, Does Our Hearing Loss Worsen?

Does hearing loss get worse as you age? Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting all adults as they age, but it’s a slow process. Actually, over one half of individuals 75 and older have difficulty hearing. Presbycusis Presbycusis is defined as age-related hearing loss or the slow process of hearing loss […]

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Can Hearing Loss be Affected by Insomnia?

Can Hearing Loss be Affected by Insomnia?

Sleepless nights are no fun. And when it occurs frequnetly, it’s especially vexing. You toss and turn and probably stare at the clock (or your phone) and worry about just how tired you’ll be the next day. When these types of sleepless nights persistently happen, medical professionals tend to use the label “insomnia”. With insomnia, […]

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Your Risk of Hearing Loss is Raised by Diabetes

Your Risk of Hearing Loss is Raised by Diabetes

Genetic predisposition, aging, and extended exposure to loud noise are all common factors that can contribute to hearing loss. However, you might find it interesting to discover the link between diabetes and hearing loss. Let us elaborate. How does diabetes raise your risk of hearing loss? As per the CDC, 9% or 37 million individuals […]

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Is the Operation of a Hearing Aid Affected by Cold Weather?

Lots of people really enjoy winter! Alright, it can certainly be a bummer if you need to get somewhere. Or if you don’t have the correct gear (or proper infrastructure). But there are plenty of fun things to do in those colder winter months. Don’t believe it? Sledding and skiing aren’t the only fun things […]

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“Cheap Hearing Aids” What You Should Know

“Cheap Hearing Aids” What You Should Know

There are a couple separate ways to interpret the term “cheap hearing aids”. On the one hand, it signifies affordability, a wise option for a budget-conscious individual. But we’ve all heard the phrase “You get what you pay for”, and in this case, the word “cheap” suggests low-quality hearing aids. Unfortunately, determining whether you’re getting […]

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Does Chemotherapy Cause You to Lose Your Hearing?

Does Chemotherapy Cause You to Lose Your Hearing?

Dealing with cancer is terrible. Because of this, patients receiving cancer treatment will in some cases feel compelled to disregard cancer treatment side effects, such as hearing loss, as trivial. But for a large number of cancer survivors, there will be a life after cancer and that’s a pretty important thing to remember. And, of […]

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Questions? Talk To Us.

    Delaney Hearing Center

    Charlottesville, VA

    671 Berkmar Court,Charlottesville, VA 22901

    Call or Text: 434-205-6800

    Fax: 434-321-1628

    Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm

    facebook   Charlottesville, VA Google Business Profile

    Fredericksburg, VA

    109 Olde Greenwich Drive, #102 Fredericksburg, VA 22408

    Call or Text: 434-326-5108

    Fax: 434-321-1628

    Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm

    facebook   Fredericksburg, VA Google Business Profile

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