The Surprising Connections Between Hearing Aids and Your Love Life

When you imagine hearing aids, intimacy most likely isn’t the first thing you consider. We understand. These tiny devices are normally presented in rather concrete terms. Less defined expressions such as poetry, music, and art are more suited to the subject of love. But you might want to start viewing your hearing aid as an […]

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Protecting Hearing With This is Something Even Younger People Should do

An estimated 50% of people 75 or older have some level of hearing loss and that’s why most people consider it an issue for older people. But research reveals that younger individuals are at risk for hearing loss – and, alarmingly, they are losing their hearing despite the fact that it’s totally preventable. One study […]

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It Might be Time to Change From 312 Batteries to Rechargeable

From phones to cameras to music players, how we power our electronics has evolved. For decades, individuals looking to manage hearing loss have wished for a similar progression, and the industry is finally realizing the promise of a powerful rechargeable hearing aid battery. Size 312 batteries are the most common of the disposable batteries that […]

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    Delaney Hearing Center

    Charlottesville, VA

    671 Berkmar Court,Charlottesville, VA 22901

    Call or Text: 434-205-6800

    Fax: 434-321-1628

    Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm

    facebook   Charlottesville, VA Google Business Profile

    Fredericksburg, VA

    109 Olde Greenwich Drive, #102 Fredericksburg, VA 22408

    Call or Text: 434-326-5108

    Fax: 434-321-1628

    Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm

    facebook   Fredericksburg, VA Google Business Profile

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