Your ability to hear is precious – once you lose it, the likelihood of getting it back in its natural form is slim to nil. But curiously, the general public tends to disregard hearing loss. In the US alone, one in eight people over the age of 12 copes with neglected and permanent hearing loss. […]
When you imagine hearing aids, intimacy most likely isn’t the first thing you consider. We understand. These tiny devices are normally presented in rather concrete terms. Less defined expressions such as poetry, music, and art are more suited to the subject of love. But you might want to start viewing your hearing aid as an […]
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It’s often said that hearing loss is a gradual process. It can be quite subtle for this exact reason. Your hearing grows worse not in huge leaps but by little steps. So if you’re not paying close attention, it can be challenging to track the decline in your hearing. Because of this, it’s important to […]
One way your body provides information to you is through pain response. It’s an effective strategy though not a very pleasant one. When your ears begin to feel the pain of a really loud megaphone next to you, you know damage is taking place and you can take steps to move further away or at […]
If you get a cut, that cut will heal. Before too long, your stubbed toe will feel better. Even if you break a bone, when correctly set, it will mend. But what if your hearing is damaged? Does the inner ear heal itself? Will your hearing come back? Can homeopathic remedies enable that healing? What […]
Read More… from Why You Should Skip Homeopathy For Hearing Loss
An estimated 50% of people 75 or older have some level of hearing loss and that’s why most people consider it an issue for older people. But research reveals that younger individuals are at risk for hearing loss – and, alarmingly, they are losing their hearing despite the fact that it’s totally preventable. One study […]
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It’s true, hearing loss can sneak up on you. But sometimes, hearing problems bypass the sneaking entirely, in favor of a sudden (and often alarming), cat-like pounce. Here’s a hypothetical: You wake up one morning and go into the shower and when you get out you detect your hearing seems off or different. Maybe muffled. […]
From phones to cameras to music players, how we power our electronics has evolved. For decades, individuals looking to manage hearing loss have wished for a similar progression, and the industry is finally realizing the promise of a powerful rechargeable hearing aid battery. Size 312 batteries are the most common of the disposable batteries that […]
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The cause of tinnitus, a constant buzzing or ringing in the ears, is generally ambiguous. However, there is one thing experts agree on: you are more likely to experience tinnitus if you also are suffering from hearing loss. Up to 90 percent of people who suffer from tinnitus also have hearing loss according to HIAA. […]
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International reggae music icon, Bob Marley, has a quote that has no doubt resonated with musicians and music lovers of all genres. Marley said the following regarding the power of music: “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Music has been known to take a toll on the musicians […]