Those Late Night Bar Trips Could be Contributing to Your Tinnitus

Do you recall the old tale about Johnny Appleseed? When you were younger you probably heard the tale of how Johnny Appleseed journeyed around bringing fresh apples to communities (you should eat apples because they’re good for you and that’s the moral of the story). That’s only partially true. Around the end of the 19th […]

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Hearing Aids, a History

Hearing Aids, a History

When it comes to history, there are three distinct types of individuals: those who are really interested and fascinated by history, those whose eyes glaze over and they begin to fall asleep when history is discussed, and people who believe that aliens are responsible for history. Aliens aren’t responsible for the history of hearing aids. […]

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If You Want to Enjoy Your Life, Keep that Hearing Aid Turned on!

Even if you have an active, healthy lifestyle, you could develop hearing loss and certain cognitive challenges as you grow older. And scientists have recognized a strong connection between the two that shouldn’t be dismissed and it will help if you don’t turn that hearing aid off. Depression is twice as likely in individuals who […]

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Is Hearing Protection Recommended for Musicians?

Is Hearing Protection Recommended for Musicians?

Musicians are cool! They bring so much pleasure to our lives with their performances. But music is a lot more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing risk. Since musicians subject themselves to loud music frequently, their hearing is at greater risk of being damaged. Whether your living relies on music or […]

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Types, Details, and Diagnosis of Hearing Tests

Types, Details, and Diagnosis of Hearing Tests

Hearing loss is challenging, if not impossible, to diagnose by yourself. To illustrate, you can’t really evaluate your level of hearing by merely putting your ear near a speaker. So getting a hearing test will be crucial in understanding what’s going on with your hearing. But there’s no need to worry or stress because a […]

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Your Relationships Don’t Have to be Negatively Affected by Hearing loss

Most individuals don’t want to talk about the effect hearing loss has on relationships, even though it’s an issue many people deal with. Both partners can feel aggravated by the misunderstandings that are caused by hearing loss. This is the ideal time for you to express your love and appreciation for your loved one with […]

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Questions? Talk To Us.

    Delaney Hearing Center

    Charlottesville, VA

    671 Berkmar Court,Charlottesville, VA 22901

    Call or Text: 434-205-6800

    Fax: 434-321-1628

    Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm

    facebook   Charlottesville, VA Google Business Profile

    Fredericksburg, VA

    109 Olde Greenwich Drive, #102 Fredericksburg, VA 22408

    Call or Text: 434-326-5108

    Fax: 434-321-1628

    Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm

    facebook   Fredericksburg, VA Google Business Profile

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