Hearing Test Info
The use of marijuana is now legal in many states for medical applications and in several other states for recreational use. So, what are cannabinoids? A specific group of substances that are found in the marijuana or cannabis plant are known as cannabinoids. Some strongly believe that cannabinoids have extensive healing qualities, however prevailing researches […]
As the crisp air and bright colors of autumn roll in, so do the sounds that make this season unique, children laughing as they trick-or-treat, the gratifying crunch of leaves underfoot, and the crackling of a warm fire. Now imagine those sounds fading away or becoming muddled, reducing your enjoyment of these cherished moments. Luckily, […]
Read More… from Hearing Health Guidelines For the Autumn Season
If you haven’t had a hearing exam since you were in grade school, you’re not alone, it’s often not part of a regular adult physical, and, regrettably, we tend to treat hearing reactively rather than proactively. Fortunately, a professional hearing specialist can uncover a wealth of information from a hearing test which can be used […]
Read More… from What Can You Expect to Learn From a Hearing Test?
You scheduled a hearing exam but you’re so busy it’s reasonable that you would have forgotten about it. Luckily, you just received that reminder text from the clinic, and you still have time to get ready. So… what should you do? The effectiveness of your appointment will be improved with just a little bit of […]
It’s likely that earwax and its accumulation haven’t been subjects of extensive consideration for you, except perhaps during ear hygiene sessions. Still, it’s crucial to have an understanding of its purpose and how it forms. What triggers the buildup of earwax? Earwax, also scientifically called cerumen, is made up of a combination of sweat, skin […]
Why is it important to have your hearing screened regularly? That’s because your general health can be substantially affected by hearing loss. Your quality of life will be improved, your health will be enhanced, and you will get proper treatment faster if you get screened regularly. Who should get a hearing exam? A loss in […]
Read More… from 4 Reasons to Have Your Hearing Evaluated Regularly
Muffled hearing can present for a wide variety of reasons. For most individuals, it’s a short-term situation. In other cases, muffled hearing can be a precursor of more substantial hearing-related issues. That’s because, for the most part, hearing loss is a slowly progressing condition. Symptoms build slowly and over time. One of the earliest symptoms […]
Read More… from Causes of Muffled Hearing and Some Treatments
Dealing with cancer is terrible. Because of this, patients receiving cancer treatment will in some cases feel compelled to disregard cancer treatment side effects, such as hearing loss, as trivial. But for a large number of cancer survivors, there will be a life after cancer and that’s a pretty important thing to remember. And, of […]
Read More… from Does Chemotherapy Cause You to Lose Your Hearing?
When somebody talks about artificial intelligence (AI), it may arouse thoughts of your favorite sci-fi movie. But today, AI is a reality that we all better get accustomed to. This is particularly true when it comes to hearing aids. The days when hearing aids simply boosted the volume and were one-size-fits-all are gone forever. Modern, […]